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"I'm An Elevator Repairman, Never Get Off Until The Door Is Open All The Way" Creepypasta
Rule 2: I’m an elevator repairman. This is why you don’t get off until the door is open all the way.
I'm an elevator repairman and I NEVER get out until the door is completely open | Scary Story
"This Morning The Doors To Our Apartments Were Welded Shut, I Think It Was A Good Idea" Creepypasta
I'm an elevator repairman. Here's Rule #4 - Don't try to save yourself ||Part-3 ||Nosleep Rules
I'm an elevator repairman. Rule #7 - Don't ram the doors with your mobility scooter ||Part-4
I'm an elevator repairman. Here's rule #1 - Never ride the escalator ||Part-2 ||Nosleep Rules
"Your Odds Of Dying In An Elevator Is About One In Ten Million I Was Almost A Statistic" CreepyPasta
"I'm A Retired Priest, I've Heard Hundreds Of Confessions, This One Stuck With Me" Creepypasta
"I Work As A Security Guard For A Company That Takes Jobs No One Else Will" Creepypasta
“Hidden Rules for the Elevator Game” (Part 3) | Creepypasta Storytime
''Jason’s Greatest Hit'' | MAKE SURE YOU DON’T MISS THIS ONE